As the torchbearers of the modern workforce, Generation Z and Millennials are reshaping the employment landscape, bringing with them unique values, expectations, and priorities. For these digitally native cohorts, finding the ideal job extends beyond the traditional parameters. In this blog, we'll explore six key factors that Gen Z and Millennials seek in a company when embarking on their job search journey.
Strategies for HR to Attract Passive Candidates
In the dynamic landscape of talent acquisition, Human Resources (HR) professionals are constantly challenged to identify and engage with top-tier candidates. While active job seekers are relatively easy to locate through job boards and networking events, the real gems often lie hidden among passive candidates – individuals not actively seeking new opportunities but open to considering them. Targeting this pool requires a strategic approach, a blend of creativity, and a deep understanding of the market. In this blog, we will delve into the art of recruiting and explore effective strategies for HR professionals to engage with and attract passive candidates for new job opportunities.
GenAI with hirex.ai
Introduction  In an age driven by technological advancements, the field of human resources (HR) and talent […]
A good job description is generally the first view through the window for any job-seeker to a company. It opens up the company's culture, vision, and purpose to any job-seeker looking for the next challenge in his professional life. A well-written job description produces an accurate picture of the job and answers the question, "What does the individual in this role do?"